For Institutions and Corporations
The below information is for the 2024 ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition. This page will be updated in July 2025 with information for the 2025 Annual Meeting
Issuing Press Releases
Institutions and corporations may issue press releases coinciding with the public availability of the abstracts in November. Refer to ASH's embargo policy for guidance regarding the information that remains embargoed until the annual meeting.
Institutions or corporations that choose to share press releases under embargo assume responsibility for ensuring embargoed releases are only distributed to reporters who will abide by ASH’s embargo policy. The release must clearly display the embargo date and time. ASH encourages individuals to check the ASH abstract website for correct embargo dates/times. Violation of the embargo policy may result in the abstract being rejected for presentation at the ASH annual meeting.
ASH does not need to approve your press release unless you want to display it in the online press kit.
Please also note that information regarding media registrants is proprietary. The Society does not give, rent, or sell current, past, or on-site media registration lists. Additionally, annual meeting abstracts are copyrighted by ASH and cannot be reprinted or included in third-party press releases or press kits.
Submitting Press Releases to the Online Press Kit
Corporations and institutions issuing press releases, and others are required to abide by the annual meeting embargo policy.
Medical institutions and corporations are invited to electronically submit their institutional or corporate press releases for inclusion in the online press kit, which is only open to registered reporters. Submitted releases will be reviewed by ASH Communications staff to ensure compliance with press release guidelines (below). Additionally, all attendees must adhere to ASH’s Photography and Recording of Copyrighted Material Policy. To submit a press release, email [email protected]. Please allow two business days for a response.
Information in the press release must specifically pertain to research being presented at the annual meeting. To meet the criteria for display in the online press kit, all press materials must:
- Use a standard file name of: “Organization - Headline,” for example: ASH - Studies Highlight Both Novel Treatments and Enduring Value of Older Approaches”
- Be clearly labeled with the abstract numbers of the research being highlighted. Placing the abstract numbers and embargo times at the top of the first page of the press release is required.
- Prominently display the proper embargo times of the abstracts highlighted. Please contact the ASH media relations staff if you have questions regarding the correct embargo dates/times for the ASH abstracts.
- Include a citation that properly states the name of the Society. An example of recommended text: "This information was presented at the 66th ѻý (ASH) Annual Meeting and Exposition."
- Use of the ASH logo without explicit written permission is prohibited.
No other institutional or corporate materials are permitted in the online press kit. Examples of prohibited materials include:
- Corporate backgrounders or press kits
- Press releases regarding data that will not be published or presented at the ASH annual meeting
- Press releases on the availability of experts, or lists of experts
- Media advisories and alerts, such as lists of presentation times and locations
- Product backgrounders, such as a fact sheet on a particular drug
Logo Usage
The ASH logo (or a graphic designed to mimic the ASH logo) may not be used on any promotional materials, including social media graphics, one-pagers, press releases, or other materials produced by companies other than ASH.
Promoting Annual Meeting Abstracts to Be Featured in the ASH Press Program
Each year a select number of studies are featured in the ASH press program. ASH will notify study authors and their respective public relations contact if their abstract has been selected for inclusion in the official ASH annual meeting press program. Please note that if you have not been contacted by the ASH media relations staff in early October, your study was likely not selected for inclusion in the ASH press program.
Questions should be addressed to ASH Communications Manager Melissa McGue at [email protected].
Non-ASH Press Events and Friday Satellite Symposia
Press briefings, news conferences, and press receptions other than those sponsored by the Society are permitted; however, they cannot be held during ASH-sponsored events, or on the ASH annual meeting virtual platform. In accordance with ASH's Annual Meeting Embargo Policy, such press activities (including webcasts for the press) may not occur until after the abstract's presentation time at the annual meeting when the embargo lifts. Non-ASH press events about ASH abstracts are not permitted before the ASH annual meeting. To arrange an event, please review the ancillary meeting guidelines.
Companies sponsoring Friday Satellite Symposia may not disseminate information related to the ASH annual meeting embargoed program beyond the information contained within the four corners of the published abstracts. The Society's name cannot be used in Friday Satellite Symposia announcements or materials, or in any other manner that gives the appearance of endorsement. Unauthorized use of the ASH logo is prohibited.
Violation of ASH Policies by Corporations and Institutions
If a company violates any of the above ASH policies, ASH reserves the right to reduce the violating company's priority points, prevent participation in future Friday Satellite Symposia, prevent access to ancillary meeting space in future years, and/or prevent the company from participating as an exhibitor in future years.