Registration Information for Highlights of ASH in Latin America

Highlights of ASH Latin America
Online Registration for the 2025 Highlights of ASH in Latin America is now open!
To begin the online registration process for the 2025 Highlights of ASH in Latin America, please use your ASH username (your email address, unless you have changed it) and password. If you have forgotten your username and/or password, you may reset them by using the "Forgot Username or Password" links. If someone else is registering for the meeting on your behalf, please provide him/her with your log-in credentials to ensure your registration is processed quickly.
Don’t have an ASH username or password? You can create an account when you begin the registration process. If you have forgotten your username or password, you may reset them when you register.
Payment Information
Registration fees paid in advance may be paid by credit card or check only. Wire transfers will not be accepted. To pay by check, please contact the ASH registration center at [email protected] to request a registration form to be mailed in with your check payment.
Registration Fees
All registration fees are in USD.
Advance Registration
Ends April 11, 2025
ASH Member (Active/International)1 $300 Highlights of ASH Partner Organization Member $300 Non-Member $400 Associate Member $200 Associate Member (FHF Comp) Complimentary International Associate Member $200 Medical Student, Graduate Student, Resident Member $200 Non-Member in Training2 $200 Allied Health Professional3 $250 Emeritus Members 1 (all who joined before 1/1/2015) Complimentary Emeritus Members 2 (all who joined after 1/1/2015) $200
Late Registration
Begins April 12, 2025
ASH Member (Active/International)1 $400 Highlights of ASH Partner Organization Member $400 Non-Member $550 Associate Member $275 Associate Member (FHF Comp) Complimentary International Associate Member $275 Medical Student, Graduate Student, Resident Member $275 Non-Member in Training2 $275 Allied Health Professional3 $300 Emeritus Members 1 (all who joined before 1/1/2015) Complimentary Emeritus Members 2 (all who joined after 1/1/2015) $275
1You must be a member at the time of registration to receive this rate. Applicants approved for membership after registering for the meeting will not be refunded the difference between the member and non-member rates.
2Non-members in training must provide an original letter on their institution’s letterhead, signed by a training program director, which states that they are currently enrolled in a training program. After you complete the registration process, an email will automatically be sent to your program director or school counselor requesting a signed verification letter on official letterhead confirming that you are a trainee. This verification letter is required and should be uploaded in PDF format using the link provided in the email. Your registration will not be official until ASH confirms your training status. If you registered in the non-member in training category last year and are still enrolled in the same training program, you do NOT need to send a letter verifying your enrollment status.
3The allied health professional category is for individuals without a doctoral degree who provide direct patient care. Individuals with an MD, PhD, or PharmD degree do not qualify for this category because they are eligible for ASH membership. These individuals should register in the member or non-member category based upon their current membership status. All ASH members receive discounted rates at the Highlights of ASH in Latin America.
The following individuals are eligible to register as allied health professionals: nurse practitioners, registered nurses, physician assistants, clinical nurse specialists, and pharmacists without a PharmD. Others may also be eligible if they provide direct patient care if you devote 50% or more of your professional activity and time to the direct care and treatment of patients and function as an integral member of a team caring for patients.
To verify status as an allied health professional, the registrant must provide a letter, on institutional letterhead, from his/her immediate supervisor confirming the name of the organization, the registrants position, the percentage of activity and time devoted to the direct care and treatment of patients, and a copy of a state license with expiration date thru the end of the meeting. Verification confirming the registrant’s professional status is required and should be uploaded (in PDF format) prior to arrival on site. In order to be officially registered for the meeting, ASH must confirm the registrant’s status. Individuals who do not provide verification will be charged the non-member registration rate.
Group Registration
Group registration is now open. The benefits of registering as a group include:
- Register multiple delegates using one unique email address
- Receive one invoice for the entire group
- Ensure that all group communications are sent to the group leader
- Manage changes for all delegates in the group
ASH Registration Center
Agents are available Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern time. The ASH Registration and Housing Center is closed on weekends and holidays.
Phone: 888-273-5704 (U.S. toll free)
001-571-549-4509 (International)
Email: [email protected]
ASH Registration Center
c/o SPARGO, Inc.
11208 Waples Mill Road, Suite 112
Fairfax, VA 22030
For questions about account access, please contact [email protected].