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ASH Sickle Cell Disease Away Elective Rotation

The ASH Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) Away Elective Rotation allows select fellowship programs to serve as host institutions for an away elective rotation in areas with higher patients with SCD populations.

The ASH SCD Away Elective Rotation gives fellows the opportunity to gain practical experience in treating individuals living with sickle cell disease. This rotation is specifically focused on sickle cell disease care for adults and is designed to be an immersive experience in both outpatient and inpatient SCD care. The rotation lasts one month and occurs in September 2025 to June 2026. The host institution embeds the rotating fellow into their existing SCD program and fosters engagement with physicians, advanced practice providers (APPs), social workers/care coordinators, mental health providers, and patients living with SCD.

Four institutions will host one fellow each. The host institutions are:

  • Duke University, Durham, North Carolina - 1 fellow
  • Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland - 1 fellow
  • University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - 3 fellows
  • National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Bethesda, Maryland  - 1 fellow

There is no fee to apply, and ASH provides a $5,000 stipend for travel and housing during the month-long rotation. The program is only available to U.S. based fellows.

Eligibility Requirements

The ASH SCD Away Elective Rotation is for trainees in hematology-related programs at academic medical centers in North America.

Applicants must meet the following criteria to qualify:

  • Be a trainee who will be in their 2nd or 3rd year of fellowship in fall 2025.
  • Be an ASH member in good standing*

*To verify your membership status, log in to your and select My Account, or contact Customer Service at [email protected] Not an ASH member yet?  Take the first step. Your membership application must be pending at the time of Away Elective eligibility form submission and approved by the application deadline.

Application Process

All ASH SCD Away Elective Rotation applications must be submitted through and must include the following:

  1. Brief personal statement from the trainee, including:
    • What the trainee would like to gain from the Away Elective
    • ASH Committee/service experience
  2. The trainee's CV
  3. Letter of support from the trainee’s program director

Any application that does not follow the requirements, is not formatted correctly, is lacking information, has incorrect information, or is lacking required documents will be deemed ineligible and will not be reviewed by the study section. There are no appeals or consideration for additional or further review once an application has been determined ineligible.

All application submissions will be sent a confirmation email. If you do not receive a confirmation email, please contact the ASH Training Department at [email protected] or at 1-866-828-1231.

Selection of Trainee Council members (from the applications received) will be made by the ASH Executive Committee based upon recommendations from the ASH Committee on Training.

Key Dates

Application Available February 13, 2025
Application Deadline May 2, 2025
Award Notification May 2025
SCD Away Elective Rotation Spring 2026 (exact date will be determined by host institution and fellow)


For more information about the ASH SCD Away Elective Rotation, please email [email protected]