Reimbursement Subcommittee
Committee Roster
 L. Allen, MD
Appointed Members
 A. S. Fishkin, MD
 H. Foster, MD
Ellen Fraint, MD
Jonathan Gerber, MD
 M. Jaglowski, MD, MPH
 Harry Kelkar, MD, MPH
Taiga Nishihori, MD
Girindra Raval, MD
 N. Savani, MD
Anand Tandra, MD
 J. Walkovich, MD
Gregory Abel, MD, MPH
 E. Donald, MD
Erin Jou, MD
 Harry Kelkar, MD, MPH
 Harry Kelkar, MD, MPH
 M. Percival, MD
 M. Shammo, MD
Staff Liaison
Committee Mandate
The Reimbursement Subcommittee, a subcommittee of the Committee on Practice, ensures that ASH addresses federal legislation and regulation affecting reimbursement for practicing clinical hematologists.
The Reimbursement Subcommittee focuses on physician reimbursement, such as advocating for adequate payment for evaluation and management (E/M) and other cognitive services, as well as on the terminology and valuation of codes. The subcommittee also focuses on the annual proposed rules impacting physician reimbursement, the Inpatient Prospective Payment System, the Physician Fee Schedule, and the Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System. The subcommittee advises the Committee on Practice on all reimbursement-related issues by formulating positions on pending federal legislation, regulatory, local Medicare coverage, and occasionally, private insurance developments. The subcommittee also works to identify other specialty professional organizations that would be interested in working with ASH on these issues.
Reimbursement Subcommittee members are expected to participate in scheduled virtual meetings, attend the Annual Hematology and Oncology Carrier Advisory Committee (CAC) Network Meeting, and attend additional meetings or calls as necessary. Subcommittee members review new hematology-specific Current Procedural Technology (CPT) code requests from the American Medical Association (AMA) and requests from the Relative Value Scale Update Committee (RUC) of the AMA.
The Reimbursement Subcommittee structure includes the following liaison positions:
· Chair, Committee on Practice
· Member, Committee on Quality
· ASH Representative and Alternate Representative to AMA RUC
· Advisor and Alternate Advisor to AMA CPT Advisory Committee
· Representative to American College of Physicians (ACP) Subspecialty Advisory Group on Socioeconomic Affairs (SAGSA)
The chair and members of the Reimbursement Subcommittee serve staggered four-year renewable terms (unless otherwise indicated).
The chair of the Reimbursement Subcommittee serves as a liaison member of the Committee on Practice and is expected to attend the meetings of that committee.